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Lionbridge Community

Registration Form

Register here to receive notifications about upcoming game test opportunities.

Any information you share will not be public.

Date of birth

You must be at least 18 years old to receive new test opportunities.

Discord username

We use Discord for all tests, and this lets us know who you are on our server.

Gaming platforms

Select platforms you have available and can use for testing.

Additional information

Each test is different and has different requirements such as specific phone model, city, or age demographic. The more we know about you, the higher the chance of you being able to participate in as many tests as possible.

Gaming-related work/voluntary experience

Game genre preferences

Phone information

Phone carrier

Be sure to include both your phone carrier and the generation (3G, 4G, 5G etc.), for example: T-Mobile (4G)

PC information

If you did not select PC as one of your gaming platforms, please skip this section.


SteamID64 is a unique 17-digit number associated with your Steam account. We use it to verify your participation in various games on PC.

To get your ID, visit the website and paste a link to your Steam profile.

See this picture for reference. 

PayPal information

We use PayPal for payments after each test.

PayPal information must have no special characters.